
At Sternship, we are dedicated to making a difference in the lives of those less fortunate by purposefully allocating part of our profits to charitable endeavours aimed at promoting individual and community development. This allocation of funds is currently being used to support the noble work of the following organisations.

Ocean Heroes

Ocean Heroes was founded in 2016 and provides a unique opportunity for people on the Autism spectrum to take part in organised surfing backed by a highly supported, safe and inclusive environment. This not-for-profit organisation runs free events, one-on-one surfing experiences and offer the Autism community the chance to experience the thrill of riding a wave!

People living with Autism face unique challenges that can make it difficult for them to develop self-confidence and make genuine connections. Learning to surf offers a fun, healthy, and unique way for people on the Autism spectrum to develop their confidence, boost self-esteem and make connections with others. That’s why Ocean Heroes was formed by Sam Moyle, Luke Hallam and Tom Johnston.

Sternship staff volunteer throughout the year both on the beach and in the water providing hands-on support. The Sternship logo is displayed at Ocean Heroes events so keep an eye and reach out if you would like to join us.

Liver Foundation

The Liver Foundation’s mission is to raise awareness and fund critical research into the prevention, detection and diagnosis, treatment, and cure of liver disease. Six million Australians suffer from chronic liver disease with over seven thousand deaths per year. To combat the rising burden of liver disease in Australia, The Liver Foundation is involved with an array of research projects focusing on prevention and non-invasive treatments.
Sternship’s partnership with The Liver Foundation is primarily focussed on helping those suffering from liver disease to get the most effective and humane treatment possible.

By providing the much-needed funding for these research projects, we can continue to see giant leaps forward. An example of this is a current project that aims to provide the ability to identify genes with predispositions to developing serious liver disease.

Sternship is proud to be a donor to The Liver Foundation and is committed to providing continued support for the development of research and the education of the causes of liver disease.
Join us in fighting liver disease through the funding of research via the link here – together we can help those suffering get access to much needed support and create awareness of the 11th leading cause for premature death among Australians.

Starlight Foundation

The Starlight Children’s Foundation is dedicated to making the lives of sick children fear and stress free by putting an emphasis on fun within hospitals to make sure that kids can be kids even as they go through troubling times. Sternship has seen the difference that the Starlight Foundation has been able accomplish and felt compelled to donate to ensure that even more lives can be touched.

The Starlight Children’s Foundation has been able to deliver over 625,508 Starlight experiences over the last year. This included over 500 wishes granted, 5,159 children visited in regional and rural hospitals, and 143,770 ward visits.

Sternship’s donations will go towards ensuring that sick children are able to experience as close to a normal childhood as possible because fun and play are essential to every child’s positive development. By distracting a child from their pain, Starlight can allow sick kids to feel more in control of their situation and helps to break down their negative associations with hospitals.

Sternship is proud to be a donor to the Starlight Children’s Foundation and is committed to providing continued support for such a worthwhile cause.

Please join us in supporting this cause here.

Homeless Healthcare

Homeless Healthcare is a dedicated charity that focuses on providing healthcare and assistance to those who are most at risk of mental and physical health issues. One of the leading reasons for homelessness and the inability for someone to find permanent stable housing is the unexpected costs of medical support. Homeless Healthcare is Perth’s largest provider of primary healthcare services to people who are homeless or marginally housed.

People without a home are more at risk of contracting an illness than the general public with an average life expectancy of between 43 and 48, which is almost half of the 80 years an average Australian is expected to live for. For anyone living without a home, health and homelessness is strongly linked. Sternship through our donations to Homeless Healthcare hopes to help break the cycle of medical bills forcing the homeless from finding suitable homes.

Sternship’s donations will go towards Homeless Healthcare’s Street Health initiative in which those who are most commonly hit the hardest by health issues, Rough Sleepers are given the help they desperately need. A 2016 survey found that 64% of rough sleepers have a serious medical condition. Homeless Healthcare has provided 929 medical consultations in just one year, with Stersnhip’s donation going towards keeping the consultation numbers high.

Please click here to join us in supporting Homeless Healthcare.

Lions Cancer Institute

Lions Cancer Institute is a charity that focuses on children who are terminally ill and/or have special needs that requires consistent and long stays in hospitals. Lions Cancer Institute provides memorable days for over 5,100 sick children by taking them to a new release movie, going to the royal show and receiving a special visit from Santa. Along with the big days out, Lions Cancer Institute also provides a mobile cancer screening coach that travels around Western Australia providing free screenings to members of the general public, a service that would normally cost $360 per patient. Over the course of last year, over 50,000 people took advantage of the free service with 12,000 referred to additional medical attention.

BridgePro Foundation

The BridgePro Foundation provides a support network to encourage African, Aboriginal, Regional and other At-Risk youth to take a professional approach to life decisions, while utilising athletic success for engagement. The program seeks to mentor and develop elite athletes who have the potential to be leaders in their respective communities. By fostering an environment of seniors giving back to juniors, we expect positive changes across generations. The BridgePro Foundation utilises an extensive network of professionals from a variety of multi-cultural backgrounds to showcase opportunities for youth outside their current periphery.

At the heart of the BridgePro Academy is building a foundation of cultural heritage, to assist in developing resilience and positive self-affirmation, which ultimately contributes to sporting and leadership success.

The foundation is one particularly close to our heart. It was founded and currently run by Carmie Olowoyo, a past Ashanti Capital team member who Sternship continues to work closely with. Sternship’s sponsorship of this cause will go directly to funding participation in youth camps, additional mentoring and leadership training, and other forms of athletic development.